I found a good description of what happens in the brood cell here: http://www.ars.usda.gov/Research/docs.ht…44&page=14 There are good pictures of different stages in the development of the bee and of mite reproduction. There I also find the answer to my question and
Varroa defecation and pupa remains
I’m checking my, as I think, most promising colonies for the VSH trait. (http://www.elgon.es/diary/?p=146) After dragging out more than 1000 pupae I have learned a lot about analyzing what I see. But I understand it’s more to learn. And I’m
Blueberry and dandelion
Spring has been chilly, but warms up when sun is shining, it brings out flowers like blueberries and dandelions, some tiny, some beautiful, all giving food and promises of future. I’m fascinated how tiny the blueberry flowers are in
Aiming for a new season
In the beginning of March the bees had their main cleansing flight after winter. In the beginning of April most of them had more combs and boxes given. At the end of April another round checking food, need for thymol,