Beekeeping is a very important occupation – for commercials and hobbyists. When you’re a beekeeper you contribute to nature and society’s continued existence. There is a difference of attitude in general to beekeeping on the different sides of the Atlantic.
Jante and The Involuntary Adviser
“It is better to listen to a string, which burst, than never to span an arc.” Verner von Heidenstam (Swedish poet), 1902, Invocation and Pledge Jante verbalize the unwritten law that says that you can not stand up and
Food control again, soon increase
A month ago I did the first food control after winter. Spring was then still cold then in the beginning of March. A number of dead colonies were brought home. I divided the combs in three groups, food combs, empty
Oxalic side effects
Oxalic acid has been used for many years in Europe to kill Varroa mites in bee colonies. Recently it has been approved for use in USA. Photo: Anders Berg When choosing between strategies against this mite it’s good to know
The Beeshakers

‘The Beeshakers’ would be a good name for a pop/rock/soul-band/group, wouldn’t it? Why not a group of beekeepers that have control of their bees and the Varroa infestation? Regardless of if you are on the path of becoming treatment free or